A brief description of failed dreams and a life that might have been.

Do You Remember Me?

Do you remember window-unit nights
and dreams of curtains floating on an ocean breeze –
some never-will-happen fantasy
that helped us through our early days?

Do you remember the way things used to be -
walking together through a thousand desperate nights
that ticked off far too quickly,
and became a thousand years between?

Do you remember hating me,
and loving what you hoped I'd be,
regretting the life we'd chosen,
and a host of broken dreams?

Do you remember me?

Poetry by Alistair Adkinson
Read 346 times
Written on 2008-03-13 at 19:25

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John Lambremont, Sr.
I really like the term "window-unit nights". Great connotation of the the kind of apartments most of us had to endure in our salad days.

Rob Graber
"Do you remember hating me,
and loving what you hoped I'd be":

Potent lines in a most effective text!