I still haven't, but I am trying.

A Dream About The Day When I Finally Meet Myself

I have been out lurking
these past few Autumn nights
in lonesome, cobwebbed corridors
in the shadows, out of sight

and I've been watching you

and I have seen you bumbling and stumbling
and losing your way down winding paths
and I have heard your whispered pleas
for something more than what you have

and I have heard you call her name
in anger and with fear
and I have watched you cast away
all the things you once held dear

and I have seen you on your knees
and shouting at the sky
looking like a derelict
to the people passing by

and I have watched you cry

Some day soon, I may invite you
to come and walk with me
and I will let you in
on all the things I see

and I'll guide your hand
and understand
that you might fall along the way

And I'll marvel at your beauty
when at last we see the light of day

Poetry by Alistair Adkinson
Read 319 times
Written on 2008-03-13 at 22:39

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