Another poem I wrote a while ago. My wife describes it as depressing.

The Shadow

I see myself as a shadow, making my

way from person to person. I have no

true energy of mine own, save thus the

wind that provides me movement. I have

no true form, but that of a makeshift cloud,

slowly casting my darkness unto others

that i pass, and letting the light re-

cast itself on those I have

encountered.I have no true essence, no soul as to which

I can claim as my own, but more

like a ghost, filling the hearts and

minds of those I touch, sharing in

their knowledge, grief, anxieties, and life.

I am but a shadow, slipping through life,

trying to find a place to call home. I

am but a shadow

wandering the earth, much like the vagrant,

never lasting too long at any one one place.

I am a shadow...

Poetry by Edwin Key
Read 273 times
Written on 2008-03-21 at 21:09

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