I felt compelled to write a letter to Poetry.

To My Dearest Poetry

I'm sorry if I drifted from you,
It seems that my time has been consumed.
My patience pushed to its limits,
I now come back to you.
My outlet, my friend, my everything.
I know you will forgive me,
That is your very nature
To love, to remind, to share.
Others have used you, played with you,
Your form is myriad and changing throughout history.

I come back to you now,
Back then it was different.
Then it was out of anger,
You were my outlet, my mother,
My lover
My friend.
You above all cared when no one else did,
You were my voice
Demanding attention from all.

I come back now,
Not a shattered man,
Not a broken man,
Complete, and whole.
Happy, happy that I can
Look back at our time together
And not be afraid
Nor ashamed
Nor sad.
Thank you my friend
My love
Thank you for being my voice
The small voice crying out beneath the sand.
Thank you

Poetry by Edwin Key
Read 361 times
Written on 2006-01-06 at 08:36

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Welcome to the Bay with this beautiful letter!

An excellent write my friend, you to have put into words the sentiments of many,welcome back to the world of poetry :-))

Edwin Key
Thank you KJC!!! That means a lot to me