A Smack Of Cowardice

Most small guys, with fervent vigor
Avoid fights with those much bigger
Preferring not to fight at all
When looking up at six feet tall

It seems to make good sense to me
Their avoiding giants is the key
To survival and the guaranteeing
Of longer lives and their well-being

The bullies rarely show remorse
For utilizing brutal force
Against those small and power-less
But bullying is true cowardice

The moral here applies to nations
The need to dominate is an aberration
Those who bully-bomb a country small
Are not in truth tall at all

by Stan Cooper...3/28/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 686 times
Written on 2008-03-31 at 16:23

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Words of wisdom in rhyme!

John Lambremont, Sr.
Nice read. Now write one about the guy with Litlle Man's Disease that always wants to "fight the biggest mf'er here!", usually drunk too... :)

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
oh yes forgot to mention some smaller fry are bullies in different ways verbal bullies etc
rgds mike

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
good lyrics and moral well done in the main

and the biggest bully of all was napolean

' God marches on the side of the big battalions'

but was he right I doubt it rgds mike well done