A Wake-Up Call

The Writ Of Habeus Corpus, we have no more
This Bush Administration kicked it out the door
One more put down of our Bill Of Rights
When will our citizens wake up and see the light?!!!

So called patriots sporting lapelled flags
Are nothing more than political scallywags
True patriots like old Thomas Paine
To question those in power was his domain

A complacent citizenry unaware-of
Dilution of our rights, we must beware-of
Informed citizens fight and persevere
To maintain our fragile freedoms held so dear

by Stan Cooper...3/6/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 770 times
Written on 2008-04-05 at 14:40

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Indeed, it seems that we all ought to be more concerned about Democracy, no matter where in the world we live!
I like your warmth, and your way of expressing your concern.
Stan, you are a real, genuine humanist!

yes, and stand in line ... it seems we humans have a strong tendency of beliving that once someone has the power they instantainally have the truth in their hands .. It scares me to hell ,,,,, let us hope that sense is seen soon.... and this aplies for every country on earth ..... sadly ....


John Lambremont, Sr.
Our rights will continue to deteriorate as long as the two-party system holds sway.We have no alternative viable parties, and thus live in a plurocracy, not a democracy.

Nice text, Stan.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
What you write , applys as much to us in the U K , Stan , old freind. in the words of the pop song '' You dont kno what you have '' '' till it's gone'' . No truer words writan and sung about , lads. Cherchal ( A polertstion I do not like , buts thats a long story!) , said '' Paretisam is the last refuge of a scandral).

Hear P M Brown , wonts children to read out a loyalty spech or some such nonsense. Now the pitcher houses they used to play the nasitnal antham. As Don can confirm , the thiters emptied by the in the fierst 3 bars!. Thanks for a well due coment , Stan and Don.

Ken ( D Williams )