Algebra and Geometry

It should come as no big suprise
That Algebra, with all its Xs and Ys
Along with its tasteless inedible PIs
Is the cause of many students demise

A subject students find distressing
Is Algebra with its Ys and its Xing
Along with abstract symbolic excess-ing
Faulted for many a student depressing

Another study that's not quite a beaut
Is Geometry with its angles acute
Its content considered of ill repute
By students most likely not too astute

Most pupils would rather hang from a noose
Than learn Geometry with its angles obtuse
For low grades they've a ready excuse
Their belief Geometry for them has no use

How wrong they are with their thinking so hazy
Blatantly cocksure, more likely just lazy
Most civilized progress is based on reliance
Of Geometry and Algebra, the language of science

by Stan Cooper...4/1/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 652 times
Written on 2008-04-06 at 23:28

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I've learnt more about Maths from my sons than I ever learnt about it at school - I think often, its a subject that is often badly taught and once your caught in the trap of not understanding a certain problem, unless you have the right teachers, then you just get lost with it - thank god for fingers and toes to count on, I'd be lost without them

Elle x

Stan, I always had problems with any kind of stuff like this at school. Omigod I was such a dunce. Still am. Your poem gave me a good laugh and reinforced the fact that I was and always will be a dunce!

Dunno much about Geometree
And even less 'bout Algebra, you see.
But, this I know: No matter how you're bright,
Acute and obtuse angles can't be right!