Between Our ears

Between our ears it sits
Housing all our wits
The brain is so cranially important
We can only hope it's not just lying dormant

Skull-fully embraced
Behind its human face
To prevent a falling wreck
It's balanced on the neck

When in need of abstract thought
The cerebrums aid is sought
For coordination unimpeded
The cerebellum gives what's needed

It's also involved in human emotion
Whether to feel hate or loving devotion
When decisions like these cause its paralyses
The time has come for psycho-analysis

by Stan Cooper...4/4/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 620 times
Written on 2008-04-07 at 19:05

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
With in our brain , lives our minds , we use it, why we write.
Well writan , Stan , gresat art , Don.
All the best , Ken ( D Williams )