They Just Ain't Us

About foreigners we're prone to making a fuss
Because of the fact they just ain't us
We seem to exult in this difference fear
And pray all who are foreign would just disappear

We blindly dislike their color of skin
They come from places we've never been
The way they talk we find far too alien
They're not even Catholic or Episcopalian

Imagine a country with all look-alikes
Of teen-agers, grown-ups and all the small tykes
It might be judged secure and for bigots alluring
But in truth it would be a nation antiseptically boring

Different people we've never met
Needn't be perceived as a common threat
Pigeon-hold as negative adversity
But welcomed and added to our cultural diversity

Hopefully the time will come when differences won't matter
When hearing assorted languages will sound less like chatter
When people will be judged individually, one on one
We'll know the war on bigotry will have finally been won

by Stan Cooper...3/24/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 750 times
Written on 2008-04-08 at 17:04

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
HI , Stan and Don , I was thinking a long simaler lines. Ense my poem '' When I were a child''. Many a person has listand to a corastion ), '' slaging off ( a British exprestion , self explanetrey , I think ). '' but I'm one of them'' , '' yes but I know you ''. While working at a plase , a group of Kenyans were working with us. All young , apart from an older woman , who was like a mother figer , look after all the younger , Kenan's. All were exsepted , no problems. I got to talking with the older woman we talkde about pregegest , racism. I saide to her what I wrote erler '' but we know you'' , you must of herd that if not , you will , love''. She noded.
A man I once know , was in the African rifles , when war broke out. His regerment when recrouting , local Africans. When they got back to camp with the new recrouts. They all went in to the mess tent. The Africans were not givein knifes and forkes. They complande , '' why have we not got knifes and forkes?'' . With grewat embrasment they were all given them. The man , took the trubul to learn Swarely , he weas not emprset in laiter years with the ignorance of pepole. He was just a soldger , not an officer . His job affter the war was as a street sweeper.
Thanks so much , Stan and don , fore a great poem , well exprest.

All the best to you both , Ken ( D Williams )

Yes I applaud your words ... may it be a day coming on soon

Kath xx