Work Of The Devil

Beautiful majestic
Wild horses
Roaming freely
Full of spirit

Rope them
Break them
Brand them
Enslave them
A form of Jim Crow

Spirit and freedom
No longer

Now just
Four legged robots

The work of the devil

by Stan Cooper...4/19/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 663 times
Written on 2008-04-24 at 19:03

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Work of the Devil indeed Stan. Well said.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Well writan , by the end of your great work , with Don in partership. The pitcher by Don a long with your words , Stan. I thort of those in the army's of the world. Brokan , minds brain washed ,enslavde , kiling by roter and of course the ''faveret '' I was only obaying orders ''. Yesterday a former piolet with the louwafer . Who had taken part in the bizing of the citry of Barth , in wich over 400 pepole children , womqan men , died , 1,00s wounded. 1,000's of property distryde , houses , shops cherches , chaples ans seygors rasde to the ground , a tearabul night of war from the air. The fomer piolet is over hear to say '' I am sorry ''. He waS MET WITH SMIKES , AND NIT A FEW HUGS '' we are now freinds '' saide a man . Who's mouther , both his grand mouthers and grandfather other members of hiis family anbd his play mates. I wonder if the piolets who bombed Dresden will do the same?
I must make this clear , and it wont goo down well , I fear. I fuly undeer stand the reasans that '' Bomber'' Haris had a long with Cherchal & co. They saw the need to insure the no party simaler to NAZIS , could say '' Germany WAS not beetan ''Germany will rise again''.
See what you 2som have made me do!! A good poem such as yours Stan with Don's grat art with his brushes , deservs a reponce , so show just how good and powerful it is.
Well dun , Stan & Don.
Ken ( D Williams)