Writing Poetry

Writing poetry is my addiction
Like drinking pot and smoking gin
All three of these afflictions
It's plain to see can make me spin

I puff a sip and drink a smoke
Then try to spin a poem
It's hopeful that I'm not on coke
For I'd be forever off my dome

I took a stand, no more drink pot
Smoking gin I have suspended
I'm never high or drunk a lot
But writing poetry? I just can't end it

by Stan Cooper...4/19/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 722 times
Written on 2008-04-30 at 18:46

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Oh, this is funny ,,, and it is an addiction - that is for sure ..............
best wishes on the first day of may

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
I smoke me nicktean ciggy , I cant say fag or some one would comlaine , sup me cup of rosey lee , type me poems on too the scerean , click on send , a presto me's a poet , leser it's true , as grater is my aime , tish but A I's a rotern shot , but a I dont over care , to over much , just as long as my adixstion to the writan word , a thats kind of wrong , I gues I should say the typed out word and sent , some times , I run out of weed , the acousid terbaker all that nickateen , so me has too put the tea bag upon the radeater , till the ,leavs are dry , rool them in some recyclde paber , cage a light from a passeing firefly , drink some disculerd walter , just as long as I can type out me poems , me is content.
Chears , Stan & Don you souper freinds in words and much else,

Ken ( D Williams ) the dyslexic poet

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
This made me laugh Stan - guess I'm addicted too - ummm writing poetry, I mean ;)

Elle x