If You...

If you danced the Carioca
And you thought that dance sublime
You are obviously older
Then Methuselah past his prime

If you loved the silent movies
With the likes of Clara Bow
If you thought they were so groovy
You are older than you know

If you rode to work in trolleys
With just a nickel for the fare
Or exclaimed with "gee" and "golly"
You are elderly and square

If you find your self a-dozing
While reading half this page
I say to you in closing
It's no wonder at your age

by Stan Cooper...5/1/08 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 777 times
Written on 2008-05-05 at 12:02

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
And by the way thear were and is many yuber yuber woman of the 1st 40 years of the moveys of the 20th centchurey. Who wen I see them on screan , I have to run a very very cold barth. That steams , yuber yuber!!!

Chears Stan and Don,

Ken ( D Williams )

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
One of THE best films I have evee seen is '' The Crowed'' , made in the 1920's. The storry of a family , the man , husband , dad , looses his job. As looks fore work , before the eyes of the audeance the man is drgd down , in to the mres of his disintergrateing life and self. It shows the afeckt of unemplyment on him and wife and children. In the eand he finds a job. And takes fis family to the vondevile show. They lagh at the comedean , the camra pulls back till the famiky are but fasces in the crowed a marvelous , magnificent film.
Sadly say '' silant moves'' instantly it's the comidys most think about. Not knowing , thear was more than just comedys made before sound was discouverd.
Dam I'm geting old , ramberling on and on. Thanks Stan and Don , fore giveing me reasan to be a ramberling on hear, lol.
Ken ( D Williams )

I can't imagine anyone who could find him/herself a-dozing while reading any of your pages!