Our Nation Can Ill Afford

Dubbyah Bush is most usually wrong
For his mistakes, we pay the bill
As he sings his arrogant songs
Our nation slides downhill

But those who aspire to office
While running their campaign
Unlike Bush, when they err and go amiss
It brings them much disdain

Though their slips can be trifles
Like little blips on the TV screen
Opponents aim their rifles
Shooting verbal bullets to demean

As issues fall by the wayside
Regrettably, for those who care
Their purpose to deride
No matter how unfair

With issues masked or ignored
Our Democracy barely stays afloat
Our Nation can ill afford
An uninformed-unintelligent vote

by Stan Cooper...4/15/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 671 times
Written on 2008-05-14 at 13:08

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John Lambremont, Sr.
But how to educate the voting public is the question. Nice text, Stan. Oh, did you read my Poetbay Players poem yet?