What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

When I was a very very young pup
They'd ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
My answers were happy and fanciful, as I was disposed
To believe I could be anything my mind could suppose

Fantasy twirled around in my head like a twirling top
I could be a cowboy, an actor or even a cop
An Emperor, fireman, a Prince or a King
I could be almost any great thing

Though I'm eighty plus, an adult I am not
Still just a kid with what all kids have got
Great dreams for tomorrow with long years ahead
I refuse to give in, and be one with those dead

That question's no longer asked of me, and I can't deny
I wish they'd ask it so I could reply
I'd like them to ask it over and over again
Before Father Time slams shut my youth-filled domain

by Stan Cooper...5/19/08 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 729 times
Written on 2008-05-23 at 16:41

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John Lambremont, Sr.
Professional poker ster, mebbe?

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
You keep hold of that child - I still can't decide what I want to be when I grow up!

Elle x

I'm shocked to find that i'm all grown up and still searching...

Kathy Lockhart
growing up is continual as life brings new experiences each day. As long as we live we grow. Only the very young want to be all grown up because they have not the wisdom to know that all we have is the now. Past is gone, future is maybe or maybe not, but now is the time for being. So Stan embrace your youthfulness for inside us we can be who we are--8 or 80 or whatever age we feel in our minds. Someday I want to be an angel that has wings covered in happiness that glitters and shimmers with each movement. I want to sprinkle the happiness over the whole world. When I grow up, I'll be fulfilled in the giving away of pieces of myself.
your poem has touched my heart. thank you Stan. xxx kathy

I've often felt embarrassed because I still don't know what I wanna be when I grow up...
After reading this poem, I think I'll stop being embarrassed. Instead, I'll be very happy to be in such excellent company!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
When we write , we can be all the above , and yet more , go anywear , ne any one , be anywear , in any time , be a man or woman , be that child , be analean , from Mars , or an emagrant legel or not , any pigment , acheve any thing drive that train , be a king even a queen! , make war , declear pease , be your self or some one else ,in writing , tell a lie , be prast , win awards , so in writeing , we never have too be all grown up at all!
Chears Stan & Don , fore inriching my life.

Ken D (Williams )