
The wife of Franklin Roosevelt, Delano
Known to all as "Eleanor"
Was never dull or routine
This First Lady American queen

Most see the job of First Lady as fluff
Doing just White House decorative stuff
But it wasn't that way for FDR's spouse
Involved with the world outside that house

Eleanor was a caring humanist patrician
Chairman of Human Rights Commission
More than just the right hand of FDR
She was our First Lady American star

by Stan Cooper...4/29/08 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 660 times
Written on 2008-05-30 at 23:02

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
she was the more the power with F D R , who had poleolo. Interesting poem/story , Stan. Both have an intererrsting story , offtan told. Only Regans ,Nansy , has any U S , presedant will did so much power. Tho I bow with repsekt fore Elenore not so with Nansey , who I give bergugeingly I give a nod of respeckt. Elenore walked beside F D R , as a true equil.
Well writan Stan , with as useal good art of Don.

Ken D ( Williams )

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Yes she was - I believe that she was crippled after polio - I think it was polio - behind every good man, is his lady.

Elle x