Who Knows?

My scuffed-up shoes needed repair
So off I went to the nearest shoemaker
Plunked my worn-out shoes on his counter
And In my Thomas Paine voice proclaimed,
"These are the times that try mens" soles
He looked at me as if I was daffy
Perhaps he was right

When I heard the cost of repair
I said again, "These are the times that try mens" soles
I knew I was right

Sir Gilbert said,
"I am right and you are right and all is right as right can be"
Did Sir Gilbert mean we're all right?

Einstein would probably have said, " Right is relative"
But, how many relatives are all-right?

So, who's right?

Who knows?

by Stan Cooper...4/7/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 626 times
Written on 2008-06-07 at 18:12

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