Poetic Frustration

No rhyme has entered my mind
Lately I can't seem to find
Words and ideas to artfully write
Poems with a clever lyrical bite

As my mind draws just blanks, I sit and I fret
Hoping to find a poem to beget
Creating new stanzas has me beguiled
Without their appearance I'm totally riled

I'd like to force-feed a rhyme into my head
A poem that would be universally read
But it doesn't seem to happen, try as I may
Creating a poem doesn't work quite that way

This conundrum has me poetically numbed
I feel like my brain is poetically dumbed
Come to me please, you rhyme of elation
Put an end to my poets' rhyming frustration

by Stan Cooper...6/6/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 796 times
Written on 2008-06-11 at 14:00

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Know what you mean Stan, I'm feeling a little dry on the creative front at the moment - but I'm sure you will find plenty of rhymes soon!

Elle x

Oh, you are doing just fine :) a lovely frustration poem ...

keep the words comming and they will soon gather to sentences again ... you see

kath xx