Fully Employed

When as a youngster, about eight years old
"You must learn responsibility", I was told
So there I was, ready for work
But no eight year old kid could work as a clerk

"Take out the garbage" was the job they gave me
Believe it or not, that job made me happy
I felt so important to be so allowed
I brought out the garbage and made my folks proud

As time went on and I grew into manhood
My love for all garbage was misunderstood
They couldn't conceive of my scrap attitude
Didn't know anything of my scrap aptitude

The World War Two Air Corps found the right spot for me
I became the garbage handler when on K.P.
We'd have never won that war if that garbage stayed in place
So I was properly medaled "The Air Corps Garbage Ace"

Later in life, somewhere down the pike
I married two women, completely un-alike
They had one commonality they thoroughly enjoyed
With all the garbage around, they've kept me employed

by Stan Cooper...6/9/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 630 times
Written on 2008-06-15 at 10:35

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
It is who you are - I remember sitting on a pigsty wall when I was about 5 years old and feeding a pig one summer - never thought the pig would be slaughtered - Its not the gold bannered things in life that always matter, its often what looks like the unimpressive, that is the impressive - Nothing wrong with garbage - if someone didn't collect it, then where would we all be? This makes you an important person in my eyes Stan, I take my hat off to you, respectfully

Elle x