Stay now, and Listen!

Not accustomed I am
Of living in the toiled ways
I want my surroundings
To fathom, what I say
I can't let you go
By letting me sulk in two & fro
You must now listen, the sanctity of my woes
As why was I inclined towards a baffling ardor?
Unknown of its nature, dual
That hit me hard and showed you cruel
To understand, as you say, needs time.
But, identification of my soul, dude!
Needs one to be benign.
Neither tis so casual, pardon! My fact all about
Nor would I be so daft to spout it all out
I don't understand, why I'm crafting my explanations
But could you tell the reason why you, reading my intimations?

Poetry by Amna Ehsan
Read 491 times
Written on 2008-06-16 at 14:08

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