Nothing but an Illusion are You ....Life!
Life!Nothing but a veil of illusion are you!
Taking trails of enigma tickles the poor you!
You let them run after your deceptive images
And vanishes away from their lives
Beneath the mounds of sand and mud.
When you show these glitters and hues
Why do you hide the baseless foundation abaft?
Like fire which enlightens the darkness
But unlike illumination burns when be nigh
You stop when one wants you to budge ahead
And run leaving alone when needed to be stood by
You give pals and reflect warmth
Then show the day, they ditch...darn!
What do you do with such tricks of beguiling traits?
Not to me--- confide somebody someday,
And let it be known to all of your fools.
Poetry by Amna Ehsan
Read 1096 times
Written on 2009-03-16 at 12:00