Saying Nothing With Eloquence

I'm filled with apprehension
Of political intention
At political conventions
Our Country's on a slippery slope
Giving cause for little hope
When candidates are sold like soap

It takes talent of a special kind
A political special kind of mind
To say "nothings" with eloquence astutely
Eloquent "nothings" are often said
To keep us naïve folk misled
As they roar on with "nothings" resolutely

When candidates expound
They pound and pound and pound
With half-truths, most unsound
It's the politician's tact
To say "this" when meaning "that"
Camouflaging fact

With political ambition
They bash their competition
With partisan positions
It's not at all commend-a-tory
When they over sell their tainted story
With their eloquent-ed or-a-tory

by Stan Cooper...6/13/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 652 times
Written on 2008-06-20 at 21:08

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Of course I know a llittle about american politics because it affects us here in europe! I just don't trust any of them anymore
have just had to fill a form out for my sons to exempt them from national service, so feeling a little jaded shall we say

Elle x

John Lambremont, Sr.
Ain't it the truth? Nice job, Stan, of telling it like it is.