A Fruity Spree

I love to munch on berries
They are so berry delicious
I also crave red cherries
Both tasty and nutritious

When a grape comes into view
Freshly picked right off its vine
I must give that grape its due
As a favorite choice of mine

Pineapple always sparks me
With a taste so very sweet
It deliciously marks me
As a sucker for this treat

The banana from the tropic zone
When peeled is so appealing
Teamed with ice cream in a cup or cone
Just sends my taste buds reeling

Mangos are delectable
When soft and over ripened
To them I'm quite susceptible
Even when they're over-stipened

Now I have a master plan
I will strive to be
A healthy fruit-a-tarian
On a fruity fruitful spree

by Stan Cooper...3/30/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 746 times
Written on 2008-06-28 at 16:16

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John Lambremont, Sr.
"Have we done the passion fruit?" Monty Python

Stan, I created a "fruit and poot" diet, where as a substitute for red meat and too much starches, you get to eact as much fresh fruit as you want.

a vey entetaining poem, and thanks!