This poem was inspired, if you can call it that" by the recent very competitive
Democratic Presidential primaries in the United States. The poem is written
with tongue in cheek, with no partisanship intended...

Altering Perspective

For those perceptively receptive
Innuendos can alter their perspective
A case in point is political analysis
Intent on brainy thought paralysis

When ten to nine's the winning score
The winner brags a win by more
Perspective of the win must be enlarged
To show who's qualified to be in charge

Though the winner won by only one
To proclaim it as such, is quickly shunned
To prove his point, this mental midget
Will claim a win of double digit

by Stan Cooper...4/25/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 716 times
Written on 2008-07-03 at 19:45

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John Lambremont, Sr.
Bravo, Stan!. Nothing like a 1000 vote "landslide".

Really enjoyed your view of the political events.

Wasn't politics the only place where according to Dennis Miller 'my esteemed colleague' means 'this prick here' ...?