We Can't Go Back

I wonder whatever became of such and such
It's too many years since we've all been in touch
In our youthful naivety we were innocently un-clever
Assuming our 'then' would be our 'now' and 'then' forever

Our roads of life we traveled turned in all directions
Those traveled stops are now has-been recollections
We sometime recall fondly much of the past
The unfortunate facts are, ' the past just doesn't last'

Yesterdays are history stored in our memory bins
Recalling good and bad times, all through thick and thins
A memory is engraved in our brain like a computer data track
'But the past just doesn't last' and 'We can't go back'

by Stan Cooper...7/11/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 849 times
Written on 2008-07-17 at 09:18

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limber junctionson
Your poetry makes me move my mouth...
because of the humour
and playfulness...

and the way the words connect.

youre goood at that.

limber junctionson
Your poetry makes me move my mouth...
because of the humour
and playfulness...

and the way the words connect.

youre goood at that.

John Lambremont, Sr.
Very nostalgic, and so true...
great write, Stan, bookmark and appaud.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Non, je ne regrette rien

You cannot undo the past, only learn - there is something wonderful about just not knowing where we go until we get there -

I'm away tomorrow, take care Stan, see you when I return

Elle xxx

this is a great poem...memories are often painful but it is still on the end all we have...we need to move forward as we cant go back...great message very well written
