
Went to my dentist and...ouch!
He didn't live up to his pain-free vouch
If willing to give up my tooth
He at least should have told me the truth

Sat in his chair already succumbed
Expecting to be completely all numbed
A needle jab here, a needle jab there
He pricked me so much, I was ready for bear

All bravado, my Academy Award act
'Cause I felt real scared, and that's a true fact
I latched on to the nurse, a lovely young lady
When the dentist surmised something was shady

He jabbed me some more, more than needed
I let go of the nurse, as he overly needled
He paid me back for my being uncouth
The nurse disappeared faster than my old tooth

A few days have passed and I'm still full of aches
Making that nurse disappear-a stupid mistake
Didn't know what I did, so filled with dread
I should have latched on to the dentist instead

by Stan Cooper...7/19/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 626 times
Written on 2008-07-21 at 15:10

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ouch indeed, dear friend :)) visits to the dentist are never pleasant, much the less when you get such results...but here is a huge smile and kiss to compensate the "aches" :))))) xxxxxx

John Lambremont, Sr.
My sympathies and a nice read. I just got back from my dentist after a "Deep cleaning"
