apologies to you PoetBay-ers...I don't know if this really qualifies as a poem...
but...what the hell!!!
"Esoteric Views Of Manhattans' NY Residents
Far East..........................First Avenue
Mid East............................Lexington Avenue
Center of the Universe..........Fifth Avenue
Far West........................Hudson River Drive
Southwest.........................Atlantic City, New Jersey
Illegal Immigrants.................Invaders from Bronx and Brooklyn
World at war.......................Mets versus Yankees
Wide open spaces.............Central Park
World Cruise..................Circle Line cruise around Manhattan Island
Bridge to nowhere............George Washington Bridge
Showcase of the World......Bloomingdales
Global Warming...............Keeps mom's chicken soup hot
The Great Caesar.............Mayor LaGuardia
Gladiator Arena...............Madison Square Garden
"If You Can Make it There....You Can Make It Anywhere"
Stairway To Heaven.........Empire State Building
Foreign Soil...................Staten Island
Near the North Pole..........Westchester County
The Rest of The World......Fawgedaboudit !!!
by Stan Cooper...6/2008 graphic by Don Hunt
Poetry by Stan Cooper

Read 765 times
Written on 2008-07-24 at 16:37

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