No Hemming Or Hawing

Brushed with vernacular paint
Is "Is you is or is you ain't " ?
Not linguistically correct
But emphatically direct
It's beyond linguistic restraint

The question's abundantly clear
Asked straight as an arrow or spear
With a forthright perspective
It states it's objective
Though voiced in a manner austere

Succinct with expressive insight
Neither hackneyed or awkwardly trite
There's no hemming or hawing
With this colorful jawing
An extraordinary writer's delight

by Stan Cooper...7/24/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 698 times
Written on 2008-07-30 at 12:48

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi Stan, I love the vernacular :) I think what I love about the english language, is that it is so adaptable!

Elle x

John Lambremont, Sr.
A wonderful triad of linguitic limerick linguini! Applaud and bookmark.