
In an attempt to keep up with the fashion
Most men should partake in moustache-in
It's never enough
To be macho or tough
For ladies to see him as dash-in

A moustache is hair-ily keen
So long as it's spotlessly clean
It appears on the face
In the curious space
Of the nose and the lip in-between

It distinguishes boys from the men
A maturity kind of a gem
It won't grow on youngsters
But yet those young punk-sters
Pretend to a shave now and then

Now ladies, we've made it quite clear
A moustache is nothing to fear
We grow them to cope
With our lingering hope
You'll love our mustached frontier

by Stan Cooper...8/6/08 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 652 times
Written on 2008-08-08 at 12:25

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John Lambremont, Sr.
A very clever collection of limerick verses. Applaud,

Kathy Lockhart
A moustache can add to the man or take away from him. It depends on its style, its, as you say, cleanliness, (oh my ex--if only he would have taken care to see that no one would see the product of his nostrils), and the man himself. I guess what appears on the upper lip can reveal what is on the inside of the man (his character). That said, this is a very well written and humorous poem that gave me a smile. Thanks for that. : ) kathy

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
lol as a mother of sons I had to laugh - I used to work for a man who waxed the ends of his moustache. I enjoyed the read Stan!

Elle x