Artistic Snobbery

Some fine artists snub their nose
At cartoonists whom they suppose
Fraudulently claim a legacy
In their esoteric world of artistry

Some prose writers look down upon
Poetry as just wordy come-on
The belief writing's their exclusive domain
Shows their attitude of snob disdain

Classical lovers of Beethoven and Bach
Shouldn't place jazz on the cheap chopping block
The artists, 'toonists, poets and prose-ers
Are creative talents as are music composers

Their ingenuity is there for all to enjoy
The rich, the poor and the hoi polloi
Creativity, the underlying fabric of society
However framed should be viewed with propriety

by Stan Cooper...8/20/08 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 707 times
Written on 2008-08-23 at 15:09

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Too true stan! and beautifully expressed in perfect poetry the image too. Creativity is what set us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom and jump starts the mass of man/woman....aren't we lucky? lol winking at you, Tai

Esti D-G
Wise words, buddy!

Kathy Lockhart
so very true. I enjoyed this very much. I love your wisdom and the way your express it. : ) kathy

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
This good Stan, art is subjective - if it gives pleasure that is what is important - doesn't matter how highbrow

Elle x

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Artiy fartiis , know not art at all ,
Cartoonist , like poets , can and do,
Like the children of a story well known,
Chant , that the nobs have no cloth's ,
Lets hear fore the catoonist's art , fore they,
Do say what most of us think , but we have not,
The gift of pen and inke ,
Look at the art , the cartoons of the age of king
George the 3rd , cald king George the mad,
Sent crazey by the likes of James Gillray , who
With outhers took the piss out of the Hanovan royal
Family, who were of little accout , how his blue blood,
Aperad in his piss , if Gillray did not know of the mad kings
Problems , thats a pity emagen the fun he'df h'd have given
The British , the Amricans colonist too! ,
What fun would have been had by all!,

The Daly Mirror in world war 2 , publishde a cartoon ,
It depickted , a merchant salor , heard bandige ,
Laying , cling too a pease of flotsom ,
Words underneath : With simplole words,
'' The True Price Of Oil'',
The ''Mirror'' was band , thear were an out cry , so the Mirror apead upon the streets againe with THAT cartoon.

So lets chear the cartoonist , they draw , what we may , can only think.

Thank you Stan and Don , thats my comment , with out what the 2 of you. With your great work , I'd nothave felt so movde to write as I have hear , AGAINE i thank you you both.

Ken D ( Williams )

Stan's and Don's creativity
fuels my applause proclivity!