Enough's Enough

Have written many poems, meaningful and fluff
But I believe in that old cliché, "Enough's enough"
Have run out of subjects, as one would suspect
And to write repetitiously I conscientiously reject

Hopefully new inspiration will finally appear
In a day or a month or more likely a year
And show up in my rhyme-less dust-binned brain
Where once again worthy poems will reign

How long that will be, I wish I could say
The desertion of rhymes holds me at bay
Until I can dream up good rhyming stuff
I'm more than certain, "Enough's enough"

by Stan Cooper...8/20/08 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 647 times
Written on 2008-08-27 at 17:48

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
Boy, do I know the feeling! I'm writing nothing but junk these days just to keep my fingers busy on the keyboard. But you must not stop. Your fluff is wonderful! Once I sat here in the basement with not a think in my mind or heart except that I was "sitting in the basement with cold feet". And that became a title of a poem about not being able to write. It sort of primed the pump.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Stan and Don , goon a mooching , chooing the grass,
All ionacant looking , 2 old bugers , a gabing , yet ears,
Eyes , takeing in all thats a gooing on all around them, us,
Thear minds will be overburdened with subjects , many
They will be back , poems , cartoons , sharper , cutting satire ,
Saying what they think , what with the convenshtions ,
Democretats , republikens , dont think your safe , Stan,
Don , a sharperning pensil and quil, just fore you,
Come November , what a weez , a waits us all,

Stan and Don we all thank you fore your wonderuse work so far, you goter come back , when your readey or you will both go barmy,
with so much you will both have in mind to write , draw and say.

Ken ( D Williams )

Kathy Lockhart
Take a break for heaven's sake but don't go far away. Come on back again and play with the poets here on poetbay. : ) kathy

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Don't you dare Stan! but I do know what you mean, sometimes inspiration is like pulling fluff out of a sink - I shall be on to you, if I don't see Stanesque poetry around, you'll find the inspiration, I'm positive about that

Elle x

John Lambremont, Sr.

"Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream"
John Lennon

and in a week or a month, you'll have new ideas.