No More The Yellow Brick Road

It's not for real, much like a Hollywood set
As close to The World of Oz as we real folk get
Down the yellow brick road they go, arm in arm
To right all wrongs in Washington's funny farm

McCain and Palin claim to have all of Oz's wiz
They need to heal the damage of the monkey biz
Left to us by eight years of Bush's decidin'
Now America needs Barak OBama and Joe Biden

McCain, though hero he may be
Has none of Oz's wizardry
Sarah will tell you, no need to ask her
Of her great exploits in State Alaska

From the yellow brick road she might build
A bridge to nowhere for which we'll be billed
She'd be White House dinin' on stew of moose
While the rest of us real folk end up as cooked goose

But no need to worry, it ain't goin' to happen
America will wake up from eight years of nappin'
The world can rejoice, the nightmare has ended
Their yellow brick road will not be extended

by Stan Cooper...9/9/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 624 times
Written on 2008-09-13 at 12:23

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I was in Germany when Obama was there and the coverage was immense - I'm hoping you're right Stan!

Elle x