
If parallelism is factually true
Somewhere out there is an identical you
With identical joys and identical troubles
Somewhere out there's your identical double

Perhaps in your parallels you've been tripled or more
Or even quadrupled so you've become four
Pertaining to you there's no numeral floor
You may be out there in numbers galore

How many of you, is one hell of a question
There's so much unknown of your number progression
Of this numerical progression, we are in awe of
Since the total of you, we're so totally unsure of

by Stan Cooper...9/15/08 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 674 times
Written on 2008-09-17 at 21:12

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
We are we , yet we are all , I am me , yet I am you , I am yet a baby , a child , a teenager , old , very old as old as this earth , yet as young as newly consevde life of a bug , a mitestest tree just seaded , on the forest floore of the raian forest , rember as I do the earthworm has 75% of our my DNA , we are al of life thear is and yet to be upon this earth.

Thanks Stan and Don.

Ken ( D Williams )

Let's hope each one of us is a nonesuch:
x me would surely be x - 1 too much!

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
lol well as a mother of twins - and they were hard work, not sure how I would have coped with quads, quins etc. I know there is thought that we all have a doppelganger out there somewhere - thats ok, but any more could be potentially embarrassing - enjoyed the read

Elle x