They've Got The Wrong Gig

I wonder if presidential candidates will ever again
Speak to important issues as they did way back when
Lincoln and both Roosevelts were vying for
Those coveted keys to the White House door

With our economy plunging and war in Iraq
Why don't these candidates get back on track?
It seems to me they've got the wrong gig
If all they can speak on is "Lipstick on pigs"

Before we all vote, we all want to know
Where they stand on Wade versus Roe
How we'll pay for our kid's education
What they'll do to secure our great nation

On Election Day, we need to be certain
What levers to pull behind the closed curtain
It seems to me they've got the wrong gig
If all they can speak on is "Lipstick on pigs"

by Stan Cooper...9/19/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 650 times
Written on 2008-09-23 at 13:02

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
They think we are stupid.
They really do.
But they don't know people
Like me and you.
They talk to each other
and hear echoes
and think they've heard
which way the wind blows.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
The , gig , the party is over , some one set off a stink bomb , me thinks , fore now the stench of thr roton plosis , that were but writan on rise paper , greed was the motivation , like human pigs snouts in the truth , not just in the good old U S A , but hear in the good old U K to , when capitolisam has fasde this end of gigs of the past , war were the way it got out , now theirs a little war or 2 on the goo , will capolisom , in that I incloude Rusher , may yet stoke up the fiers , one gig is over , a second ''gig'' may yet start , invertastions in the post.

Forgive me Stan & Don , but your poem struck a cord with in me as yon can plainly see

Kathy Lockhart
so true!! Time is getting close and I would love to hear concrete, not pie in the sky or maybe pigs flying in the sky, rhetoric. hugs kathy : ) clever as ever pic and poem.