Words In Tandem

Lox goes with bagels
Tulips with roses
Infants in cradles
Conjectures, supposes
These words when partnered, go well together
Much like that cliché, "Birds of a feather"

Bread and butter
Bacon and eggs
Father and mother
Crabs and crab-legs
Words so well linked often abound
Their linkage together, vernacularly sound

Kit and Kaboodles
Baseball and Ruth
Cutesy, French Poodles
Sloppy, uncouth

Cowboys and Indians
Sugar and spice
Rainbows of Finian's
Chop Suey with rice

These coupled examples, chosen at random
Are merely examples of words found in tandem

by Stan Cooper...10/01/08 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 642 times
Written on 2008-10-07 at 15:11

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I once did a tandem skydive - with the adonis of the skies - fell in love with him, never saw him again - C'est la Vie

Elle x