Loonily Looney

Cartoonist Donald Hunt, so wonderfully 'toon-ey
At times makes judgments so loonily looney
He foolishly referred to me as "Stan the great thinker"
Merely because with words I poetically tinker

I don't think up rhymes, they just enter my brain
And sometimes I'm sure they'll drive me insane
My writing rhymes is no great thinking matter
I'm not "Stan the great thinker", more Stan the Mad Hatter

So Don, stick to your 'toons and forgo misplaced praises
I know you meant well with your good guy appraises
But stick to the drawing board where you greatly excel
With my poet word tinkering, your 'toons gel so well

by Stan the Mad Hatter Cooper...10/8/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 634 times
Written on 2008-10-13 at 21:15

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