No Get-up And Go

No get-up and go, no energy churnin'
No gas in his tank, his wheels aren't turnin'
The world's all around him, but in it he's not
His long ago vigor has all gone to pot
A pot that's a broiler, a broiler not broilin'
He's much like a top, a top that's not twirlin'
So when it's all over, all done and well said
He'll safely remain in his safe haven bed

He needs an infusion of get-up and go
A burst of vitality to get rid of his woe
Once out of bed, he'll be sharp as a knife
He'll fill up his tank and get on with his life
With new energy churnin', his wheels will be turnin'
His broiler a-broilin' , his top will be twirlin'
He'll be part of that world, the world all around
With his get-up and go that was lost but now found

by Stan Cooper...10/10/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 740 times
Written on 2008-10-18 at 13:21

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Elizabeth Rose
what a fun, well written poem. I enjoyed it very much. Also the picture is very cute.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
This feels like me at the moment Stan - been on a promotional tour the last two days and I am beyond tiredness and my knee aches - I need some energising forces to come and rescue me lol. Enjoyed from a very tired Elle :-) xxx

Phyllis J. Rhodes
Where can I get an infusion? I'm pretty much in his same situation. My get up and go, got up and went. I tried to go along but my get along was all spent.
Loved this one.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
It's not very nice , when you get up and go, has got up and gone , when viger has turnde in to vinager , to sowrr even fore British frys , tho I gues , Stan , you are lumberd still with French , frys , still who knows what the dy will bring , just as long as you dont put your foot in to the '' go'sunder'' ( ask Don , :) )
maybe the morrows will restore what now ills thy spiret.

Take care , Stan & Don ,

Ken ( D Williams )