Folksy_Betcha_Gotcha_and Winks

There are some, in this Presidential Campaign
Whom I won't mention here by name
Their campaign methods deserve wide rejection
Appearing to be what they're not, to win this election

They try to seem folksy, with their betcha, gotcha and winks
Since they can't win on issues they attempt these false links
To connect to the middle class, but it's just plain hypocrisy
It's not what we need for our American democracy

One starts each sentence with a folksy, "My friends"
Any half-wit would know it's just his means to his ends
He's not sure of how many homes and cars he's got
His connect to the middle class is simply just rot

The other folksy one's from way up in Alaska
Not keen on answering questions, we'd all like to aska
Her betcha, gotcha and folksy winks are mere side-steps
To answer questions on which she's not prepped

Our economy failing, in the midst of two wars
And Citizens losing their homes by the score
So let's get on with real issues that matter
We're fed up with their folksy phony chatter

by Stan Cooper...10/14/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 764 times
Written on 2008-10-23 at 13:23

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jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
very astute.
run that 150000 dollar folksy number by me again!

how sad it all is...
but meanwhile :))
lets enjoy!!

Elizabeth Rose
politics make me crazy but this made me smile. thanks, = ) Liza

Kathy Lockhart
I will be glad when its all over!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Aye , Stan and Dob , points well made. Er , but what about the Amrican working class, if I may be so bold to ask? Moment , just rememberd , they seast to be of any acount way back when.

Well writan , and toonde as always , Stan and Don.

Ken ( D Williams )

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Sometimes it all seems to turn into such a circus Stan. I guess the world waits now to see what will happen. I just wish politicians would answer the serious issues and not wrap them up with a load of tosh! Good to see you writing

Elle x