An Infant's Point Of View

All of five minutes old, I wonder why I'm here
Compared to where I was, this world seems too austere
It was so warm and loving, to leave I had no thirst
When suddenly two gloved hands pulled me out head first

No more peace and quiet as strangers fondle me
It seems these total strangers will never let me be
I'd like to find my way back to that warm and loving womb
Instead of living with these strangers with whom I feel entombed

They show no respect for us little guys with infantile physiques
No-one seems to care at all about us little pip-squeaks
I suppose in time I will adjust to my fate that now seems awful
But one would think I've a right to a choice more ethical and lawful

by Stan Cooper...10/27/08 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 680 times
Written on 2008-10-29 at 22:09

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i think you're so right here...those poor little fellows are always overwhelmed by those around them...and i know how desperately i faught to give myself and my baby some space immediatly after his birthday...enjoyed your text very much, and bookmarked it :)
Lilly xxx