
Hindsight's a wonderful thing
It has that know-it-all ring
We claim to have known
What hindsight has shown
Hindsight's a wonderful thing

With hindsight there are no wrong choices
Hindsight's our brainy Rolls-Royces
We use it to win
With hindsight-er's spin
With hindsight there are no wrong choices

With hindsight we're always dead-on
With hindsight conclusions foregone
As a hindsight-ing user
We're never a loser
With hindsight we're always dead-on

by Stan Cooper...10/9/08 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 829 times
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Written on 2008-11-02 at 17:38

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!


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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
With 20/20 rear sight vistion ,
All cklearly seen , and understood,
With 10/10 forward veiew , all not
Clearly seen ,
All a bit confoust , missunderstood,
Oh to have 20/20 rear sight in front!!

Chears , Stan & Don.

Ken ( D Williams )

jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
aahh hindsight...
I have years of that...
super write.

to me
hindsight is seeing how we used our hind legs to climb that difficult mountain?
hindsignt is feeling the pain in our back legs after walking miles of thoughts.
hindsight is seeing backwards, lying down and soaking in a bath
thinking I'll just forget those episodes of life and close the book.
I like your poem alot as it made me waffle on reflecting my hindsight, I just have pull the revision mirror down and reflect on my bigger screen ahead and use wisdom as my hindsight maybe?