A Mirror's Just Clutter

When I looked at my mirror, what I did see
Was a wrinkled aged reflection of little old me
There's one thing I'm sure of, there's one thing I know
There's no doubt about it, that mirror must go

A mirror's just clutter, not needed at all
When it refuses to show me as handsome and tall
The appearance of wrinkles is very unkind
Particularly since they're surely not mine

How deceitful that mirror when it belies
When all of reality it completely denies
There's one thing I'm sure of, there's one think I know
There's no doubt about it, that mirror must go

by Stan Cooper...11/9/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 643 times
Written on 2008-11-19 at 11:28

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Ha ha! Well done indeed Stan. Nothing these days works like it used to...

i would have expected such a poem from a woman, but you? :))))))))) i always thought age gives men an air of aristocracy ;) so forgive that poor mirror...it simply doesn't know how to show you your inner youth :)
Lilly xx

Phyllis J. Rhodes
My Mirror Does The Same Thing!!!
Has someone put a curse on them you think??
I'm so happy to hear someone else has
this problem so now I know it isn't really