More Than Ready For A Change

Finally, here we are, Mr. Bush
At the end of your eight year misadventure

On your so called watch
Home foreclosures have mounted
Going out of business signs are everywhere

With your macho "I'm the decider" cowboy mentality
You've ridden on your arrogant high-horse

Trampled our Constitution,
Approved inhumane torture
Pre-empted a wrong war
Hundreds of thousands have died

You've darkened America's once bright beacon
In our harbor, Lady Liberty's head is bowed

This will be your legacy

Finally, here we are, Mr. Bush
And thanks to you, Mr. Bush
We're more than ready for a change

by Stan Cooper...11/6/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 621 times
Written on 2008-11-23 at 00:40

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Great write. I think everyone agrees with what you are saying in this poem. We are all ready for a change. Its kind of hard to believe things have gotten so bad.
Great job!

As always a very good read and getting serious messages across with a light and flowing language ...

all my best from a winter white and stormy Sweden

Rob Graber
INDEED! Well said, Stan.

jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
we here in england are operating under an unelected prime minister so i understand the bush man:)
the next couple of years should be interesting.
as always you are pertinent :)

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Well written , Stan , & Don expres's well in his useual very good way. Hear in the a U K , to be calld a '' cow boy'' , is a bit of an insult , usely appys to builders. I n the U S, it was a simaler insult. Wen the slaves were freed , among the few jobs they could get was as cow boys punching cattle. When Hollywood staerted makeing westerns & made cow boye heroes , well then it be came '' sexy'' to be calld & be a cow puncher. Gues what? , yup you guest it , ''blacks out ,whites in''. So Bush is yes a cow boy in it's origanal meening!
We owe the Keenady erer a great than you. The reforms in the U S, were to lead to reforms in Europe. But it was under L B J ( Jonson) that reforms happonde , history dos not give that great Texsan the credit fore all that he did fore the black American. In the short time he were the president.

Ken ( D Williams )