Senior Moments

Senior Moments, moments of lapsing
Sometime buffer things sad or too taxing
The thought on the tip of the tongue
Is momentarily lost and far flung

This thoughtful disappearance
Brings an awkward incoherence
It makes a senior feel quite sheepish
A little lost and a Little Bo Peep-ish

Is that thought suspended in space?
What was its need to find a new place?
When will the next Senior Moment be due?
Don't ask the seniors, they have no clue

by Stan Cooper...11/25/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 703 times
Written on 2008-12-04 at 14:09

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
I , at least have something to blame , yup , me being dyslexic , can be advantageous! Or are us dyslectics suffering from premacher old age? No will know the difference , in me!

Ken ( D Williams )

Far too many of 'em happening to me at the moment, wot's yer name again..?
Humour is the best medicine!

Kathy Lockhart
oh gosh, i'm not quite called a senior yet but soon, very soon. However, those senior moments have arrived early and have made my life pretty darn interesting and frustrating all at the same time.

My daddy, past on now since 2002 @ 94, used to say in regard to this perplexing condition, "My brain is wearing my feet out."

What wisdom. And oh what fun he was just as this humorous text and pic are. : D kathy