To any and all Catholic friends in PoetBay, this poem is written with tongue
in cheek....No disrespect intended

It's Good A Catholic I'm Not

If I was a catholic, I'd be,
When speaking confession-ally
Nervously frightened
As this priest I enlightened
All about terrible me

I'd find it hard to relate
My wickedness to this prelate
Wouldn't know where to begin
Fearing my numerous sins
Would cause me a hell of a fate

So it's good a catholic I'm not
As I hate being put on the spot
The High Holy See
Has no use for me
About me he couldn't give squat

My way of life's not theistic
My journey's more realistic
It's a really good bet
The wiser I get
I'll secularly remain atheistic

by Stan Cooper...11/30/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 922 times
Written on 2008-12-07 at 21:29

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Alot of people feel the way you do. I never grew up in religion but found it in my teens and wanted, needed the bible truth desperately. Still finding more of the truth.

Peter Humphreys The PoetBay support member heart!
Just think of all the fun you are missing, Stan! Just loved this and the graphic too. Brilliant :)

I used to be a catholic.
I was so much a catholic that I had gotten cath-a-holic.
Now, I'm an atheist, thanks god!