The Morning After The Night Before

The morning after the night before
Commonly known as whenever
Dates back to the days of yore
When sober-ness was not our endeavor

After the night before, in the morn
We couldn't care less when it was
Until as we aged, it finally dawned
We wouldn't last long always buzzed

So here we are, whenever it is
Living our lives rarely stoned
Rarely drinking that liquid-y fizz
Priest-like, fully atoned

by Stan Cooper...12/9/08 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 669 times
Written on 2008-12-14 at 19:21

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Dee Daffodil
LOL....Love this one ! Yes...we do seem to get a little bit wiser as we age. :-)

what happened the night before was it the morning drug or the night before bug in the drink, I wouldn't blame the drink I would blame the tip of the finger tips.

John Lambremont, Sr.
Great write, Stan, and I couldn't agree more!

The less frequently I drink these days, the harder the hangovers are...

Well that is good because actually people before the morning after are not really as entertaining either to themselves or others as they/we may think .... but of course there is a certain romantic picture when a glas of champagne is mentioned ....

As always a very entertaining read .. thank you ...... :)