With apologies to Santa

Naughty Or Nice?

It happens each and every year
When kids are harried with this fear
Of Santa acting as judge and jury
Afraid they've caused Old Saint Nicks fury

Santa's judgment will suffice
The sole evaluator of naughty or nice
It's not exactly democratic
The kids are certain it's autocratic

How did he get the power to cause
The children's fear of Santa Claus
Perhaps they should all band together
And go on strike this new December

He doesn't see them all year long
To judge them this way is very wrong
Naughty or nice is in the eye of the beholder
Nice for the young can be naughty for one older

So Santa, spread your cheer around
And with your reindeer circle round
All those chimneys, that's the way to go
Giving all those nice kids your ho-ho-ho

by Stan Scrooge Cooper...12/10/08
graphic by Scroogier Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 898 times
Written on 2008-12-17 at 16:20

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I like this, very true indeed :)

Saint Nick? Is that our Nick you are talking about? ;)

delightful to read, funny and
a great rhyme, Thanks!
HoHoHo-greetings, N.

Dan Cederholm

Hehehe . . . this was funny . . .

HO - HO - HO



Ho Ho Ho! Liked it Stan.