Eggs and Us

Eggs and humans have similar traits
How we're cooked determines our fates
We can be hard boiled, tough as they come
Or softies, welcomed by most everyone

Our brains can be scrambled, much like an egg
Eating while spraying from a wooden beer keg
We've been known to be poachers, poached eggs on toast
We're found at buffets and even at roasts

A traitor was Arnold with Benedict fame
Eggs Benedict, though not quite the same
Soufflé eggs take a beating like we sometimes do
When beaten like eggs, it's something we rue

Like Humpty and Dumpty we fall flat on our face
And look like an omelet in egg-y disgrace
Three cheers for those roosters who are so reliable
And the chicken laid eggs that made this poem viable

by Stan Cooper...12/23/08 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 788 times
Written on 2008-12-29 at 16:52

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John Lambremont, Sr.
Very much enjoyed, Stan. But always eat your eggs fully cooked, lest you make 2 new friends, Sam 'n Ella.

I want to egg you on
for more (j) yokes.

Seasons greetings stan, a smashing poem to cook up a wonderful delight with to be sure, no egg on your face for 2009

Smiling at you


This is eggsatctly my kind of poem Stan! A cracking good read with the occasional yolk! Well done.