Nero and Bush

Nero fiddled while Rome burned
A legacy not universally admired
That he fiddled as he callously Rome spurned
Was not what good Romans required

The instrument Nero played was not the violin, but the lyre
Which brings us to Bush, our Presidential liar
No WMDs were found in Iraq
He lied about them, and that's a sad fact

George Bush, our up-to-date Nero
Non-musical and so out of tune
With New Orleans flood, he was one big zero
Who instrumentally brought Orleans to ruin

George Bush is far from profound
Yet he managed to fiddle us all around
He didn't play a violin or even a pian-a
While Katrina blew out Louisiana

Nero and Bush will be similarly recalled
As two so call leaders who appalled
The citizenry of their respective nations
Deserving in time, histories condemnation

by Stan Cooper...1/6/2009 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 630 times
Written on 2009-01-10 at 17:42

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So clever Stan! I just hope that your Obama can deliver...let's wait and see eh? I'm betting there will soon be some writes from you on his performance. (Or lack of!)
Best wishes to you and all America, (the place where everyone queues up for help, and then ravages the place with critisism!)