
As to the concept of "nothing"
I'm confounded by it
Astounded by it
Bewildered by it
And terribly humbled by it

I wonder
Is "nothing" actually "something"?
If true, then how can it be "nothing"
Wouldn't that be a contradiction in terms?
Or, more likely, could "nothing" be
Just the absence of "something"?

Would, perhaps, Einstein suggest
"Nothing" is simply relative to "something"
And, perhaps, vice versa?
If so, wouldn't it then be a matter of perception?

Is space "nothing" and matter "something"?
If so, how could we as matter fly through space?
We'd be flying through "nothing"
Perhaps "nothing" doesn't matter

I'm confounded by it
Astounded by it
Bewildered by it
And terribly humbled by it

by Stan Cooper...1/07/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 760 times
Written on 2009-01-11 at 15:51

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi K...I figured I wrote about something and came up
with a big nothing

xxx Stan

I have "nothing" to say to this! Although, I do have a little "something" that I might add. I thought your poem was something about nothing!

Great stuff about nothing.

love this one. Well writen.
and I love Jhons comment..
you better belive it.. :-))

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Well . . . nothing is everything and everything is nothing and it's always that something that makes a difference, between life and death. That something . . . :)

I really enjoyed your poem:) Filled with so many emotions and thoughts*applause*thank you for sharing!

John Lambremont, Sr.
If your wife ever tells you that "nothing" is wrong, you better believe "something" is! Nice write, Stan.