Father Time

I'd like to visit Father Time so he could hear my gripe-in'
'bout his reluctance to keep old folk from ever over-ripenin'
I'd let him know I think it's downright criminal
To keep our time on earth so very short and minimal

It seems that when we're in our prime, we feel we all are timeless
But because of Father Time, instead of timeless, we are prime-less
I'd ask him, "Dad, now what's your rush, our lives have just begun"
But I'm sure he'd just assure me that time will wait for no-one

I'm convinced to visit him would surely be most pointless
'Cause he's convinced his timing job is done with such adroitness
So as time goes on we must adjust to Father Timings' vision
But naively stay hopeful he doesn't rush to his decision

by Stan Cooper...11/10/2008 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 709 times
Written on 2009-01-15 at 22:49

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John Lambremont, Sr.
Nep, it's the site format causing the line breaks.

Stan, nice job. Keep 'em coming.

Nice work here and I have asked Father Time to not let my mother die in such a hurry and he allowed time and I was able to enjoy her alive for a short permitted time. :)