Remember When

Remember when we commuted on trolleys
Around the same era of The Ziegfield Follies
When most cars driven were known as Fords
With in-the-back rumble-seats and running boards

We had Satchmo, Lionel Hampton, Ellington, The Duke
That there were so many greats, was more than a fluke
We had Gershwin, his accompanist, Oscar Levant
It's unfortunate they can't return to enchant

Those were the days of Dempsey and Tunney
Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin, both silently funny
When City Subways were clean and new
And kids could imaginatively find fun things to do

They skipped rope, played Kick the Can
Rooted for Babe Ruth, their baseball man
They could add and subtract since they were taught well
They could read and write and even could spell

But pining away for what was makes no sense
The greatness of yesterday is in the past tense
Let's try if we can to re-open the door
To the greatness of yester-year and perhaps even more

by Stan Cooper...1/13/2009 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 772 times
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Written on 2009-01-19 at 12:02

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Nothing like a bit of nostalgia Stan. Love this, altho' I don't remember quite all your memories. Excellent message.

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry website.

Kathy Lockhart
a very nice nostalgic poem Stan. I love the positive end. : ) kathy

These were the times, sometimes rough
other times smooth going, oh yes, I do
remember it well, almost all.
But then, the show must go on, lets try
to make the best of it to come!
The drawing is just as great as your
words full of melodies! Thanks for the
memories, Northlight.

Rob Graber
A nice one here, Stan;
But those good old days
Were pretty darn crummy
In quite a few ways!

Purple Phoenix
It's official... I'm a Stan Fan. Good old fashioned Jazz never dies, the record covers just look that way... ;-)